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The Adoption Process


Submit Online Adoption Application

Adoption applications are required. This step lets us know if your household is what the dog needs to feel safe and comfortable. Filling out an application for a dog does not guarantee adoption, nor does it commit you to adopting a dog. Applications are good for 6 months, so even if you don't know for sure which dog you want yet, you can still submit to get approved.


Application Processing

To process your application, we first do a background check. If you rent, we will call your landlord and verify that your lease allows dogs. If this is going to be an ESA animal, you should indicate that on your application and make sure you have your paperwork ready.

If you have other animals, we will call your vet to make sure they have the following things:

  • Dogs need a distemper and rabies vaccine, and a heartworm test within the last year. They should also be spayed or neutered.

  • Cats need a rabies vaccine.


Approval and Pre-Screening Call

Once your application is approved, you will receive email indicating whether the dog is available. If so, the dog's foster will reach out within 48 hours to have a conversation and decide whether you want to move forward with a meet and greet. 

If there is another applicant ahead of you, you will be placed on the dog's waiting list. It can sometimes take a few applicants to find the right match. The foster will contact the applicants in the order that their applications were approved. 


Meet & Greet

A meet and greet can take place in a number of locations; your home, the foster's home, the rescue, a park. It depends on what you both agree is the ideal location. All members of the household, including pets, will need to meet the dog before an adoption can take place. In some cases, more than one meet may be necessary.


Home Visit

The home visit can take place at the same time as the meet and greet, during the adoption, or even before the meet and greet takes place. We are checking to see if the environment that the dog lives in will be safe and comfortable. The foster will have a checklist of items to go over with you.


Adoption Decision

After the meet and greet, you will decide if you want to move forward with the adoption. If the foster agrees that it would be a good fit, you will decide on an adoption date. Sometimes, the meet and greet, home check, and adoption can all take place at the same time. Each situation is different.

Ready to Apply?

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